Client Side Template



Code to execute when {*if logicalExpression} and {*elseif logicalExpression} conditions are not met.

Templates can include conditional sections. Conditionals allow you to choose what to do when specific values, aka conditions, are met. Conditional sections are defined using the following template commands:

{*if logicalExpression}
{*elseif logicalExpression}

logicalExpression is any Javascript expression that evaluates to a true/false value. The logicalExpression can refer to data in the current 'row' of data. For example, consider the following data used in the '[Template Tester]':

    employees: [
        {firstname: 'Fred', lastname: 'Smith', state: 'MA'},
        {firstname: 'Laura', lastname: 'Linneker', state: 'CA'},
        {firstname: 'Junior', lastname: 'Programmer', state: 'MA'},
        {firstname: 'Bill', lastname: 'Lindsey', state: 'NY'}

When an employee's state is "MA" or "CA", we would like to print the text "Employee is based in MA" or "Employee is based in CA", respectively. If they are not in either state, the text "Employee is not based in MA or CA" should be printed instead. Using conditional template commands, we can check the value of state to determine which text should be printed, as shown in the template below:

    Employee name: {firstname}{lastname}<br>
        {*if state=='MA'}
            Employee is based in MA
        {*elseif state=='CA'}
            Employee is based in CA
            Employee is not based in MA or CA
{*endif} closes a conditional command.

When the employees array data is processed, the template produces the result below:

Employee name: FredSmith
Employee is based in MA

Employee name: LauraLinneker
Employee is based in CA

Employee name: JuniorProgrammer
Employee is based in MA

Employee name: BillLindsey
Employee is not based in MA or CA